02-27-18 archive

I checked in there with my finger. I don't think I have a bot fly larvae in there. Nothing was moving against my finger as I rested. I'd like to get the opinion of a proctologist though.

Around this time last year I recall getting the suggestion during my attempt to get to Israel that there was a flayed squirrell living in my intestines that had been inserted through my anus. I hope that these are only crazy things they want me to think. I wish they would have suggested it to me while I had good health insurance. I wonder if the people at Exide knew there was a thing in my anus and never told me. I wonder if there is one or if this merely a manifestation of my boredom. The sensation in my anus is real, I don't have any way to pin the cause. It could be a hemmorhoid.

I remember Jacaré always used to say, "If it's not bothering you leave it alone." This is suddenly bothering me a lot. I don't know why I would think that the medical staff wouldn't just laugh and take selfies with it if I asked for help.

I guess I should go to the emergency room. I always had such a feeling watching the bot fly larvae get removed in the YouTube video. I will be so angry. I will so angry that you let that thing eat my flesh and did not tell me about it. I will kill you. Even today, if you did not offer assistance with removing it, and indeed it is what I now strongly suspect, I will kill you.

A disgusting thought I had today. I am overcome with an uncomfortable sensation as I write this. If you know this is in me, please help me get it out ASAP. Right now, if I asked a doctor I feel like he could see one of these inside my anus, and then laugh and tell me that he doesn't see anything. I've seen a phrase on the internet "medicinal cockroach in his anus" and I will be very angry to learn there it one inside my own anus. Who put it there? I know Helene has done inappropriate things inside my anus, has someone else? This is serious for me. I have imagined my hunger as a worm living inside my lower digestive area on many occasions. Is it nothing at all but an itchy butthole? It's hard for me to tell.

The human botfly occasionally uses humans to host its larvae. The larva, because of its spines, can pose an extremely painful subepidermal condition.

If there's an implant in my asshole, did they get a FISA warrant to put an implant in my asshole to cover up for the implant that they illegally put in my asshole a long time ago? (Wiretapping.) It seems like the people with the remote control for my asshole implant, if there is one, were saying, "Yes!," yesterday, with the spurrious anal sensations as if my anus had a mind of its own beyond the neural ganglia of my own body down there. Also, I would be surprised to learn that a FISA warrant gives the remote control to the implant to those who would annoy me with some sensation as part of a woman's feeble parlor trick power play to irritate me while I'm sitting in the library.

Where did I first come to believe that people could make me feel a sensation in my asshole with psychic powers? It was at Elavon. I was sitting at my desk at Elavon one day and suddenly I got an uncomfortable sensation inside my asshole. I moved uncomfortably, and then some fat bastard Byron that sat near me laughed and said, "It's so easy!," where he seemed to be taking credit for the sensation. This was during the time that I would always get an uncomfortable sensation under my left eye in the presence of Rhonda. I thought she was doing it with psychic powers too, but that may have only been another implant. In fact, I would prefer to think that such things are impossible with psychic powers alone, and the implant scenario would put my mind at ease to know that I can stop all of that with nuclear weapons. If it is possible with psychic powers alone, something I consider feasible, then I will have to initiate a witch hunt after the nuclear strike, and I will be very conservative in deciding who not to burn from among the scattered survivors.

However, I do not like having an implant inside my anus, or in any part of my body, and the possibility puts my mind at unease. If there is one then I demand that whoever put it there set up a doctor's appointment for me to get it out. If there was an pre-existing implant, anal or otherwise, then the current wiretapping warrant should be invalidated immediately. Also, I would like to argue that purposing the anal implant so that people can harass me by zapping my anus is outside the mandate of the FISA warrant. Also, the FISA warrant was never valid because the whole case against me was built on years of lies, and now as they continue to lie, they say, "Well, we have to go back and check all these lies now and that's going to take a long time." As long as it takes, the nuclear nuclear destruction I respond with will unfold in microseconds. As long as it takes, the longer I will torture people before I push the button. Unless I give them mercy, which I am not promising not to do. It says in the book that God's mercy knows no bounds and I believe it! Know this, the sooner you give me the nuclear codes, the sooner I will have the option to give you mercy. Mercy or torture will come down to the moral relativity of the facts that I see on that day. Mercy or not, you all die. There will be no reprieve.

They have really increased the number of people, and women especially, elbow checking me as they walk by without getting out of my way. This is a noticeable increase since they sent that woman to elbow check me as I was peacefully walking last week. I take their childish flailings as a sign of weakness. Deliberately elbow checking me will be sufficient cause, for me, to move your entire family from the merciful death group into the unmerciful death group. When you touch my elbow with your elbow, then I will touch your whole body with an angle grinder. I will burn your children and mangle them. I will yell, "Get the fuck out of my way," and you will do it enthusiastically.

Use your little brainlet baboon brains and ask yourselves, "Am I really 100% sure that I can get this moment of satisfaction with my elbow and and then also later deny him the satisfaction of torturing my family before he sells me to my enemy?" Even if you're only 99.9999% sure, you're not getting good odds on the moment of satisfaction. I don't know if you mental midgets can comprehend that but it is true.

Helene conditioned me to sleep with a bunch of stuffed animals. One night, purely for the purposes of melodrama, I pretended to say that I had a shark-related nightmare and that it was my shark stuffed animal Sharkey. There was a big white bunny Bunny, with pink or red eyes. There was like a green and blue blankie and a little brown dog Maxi. Whenever I would build my legos I would do it on a green base plate that I immediately recognized from a robotics-only snippet of the "Teh Japanese Gameshow." I had in my legos little lego wheels with the tread missing in blocks, from my dad's electronics sets I had connectors that set cut wires with screw connections. They had yellow, and maybe a few colors, plastic pieces on them. I kept my marbles in a Royal Dansk cookie bin and I had one steel marble and the rest glass. I had gotten some strange date from facebook, I don't think the person who arrived was who I was thinking about. She said, "You don't know where to get take out sushi?" I said, "No," so we went to the sushi bar. She kept referring to the amateur animatronic thing as "The Japanese Gameshow" and there was an NC game on the other screen. Then "Mr. Cavalcanti" showed up with Elaine and we left. It was really weird. I thought Jacaré was in Philadelphia at the time but he said he had just gotten back.

I was watching Attack of the Titans at that time and on the way home she asked if I could ever forgive her. I asked, "For what?" Earlier she had referred to Shaw Industries which I googled and was on Titan Row near Disney World in Florida. Emily's brother John lived at the same apartment complex as Bull Shaw, whose name is like Schauble, in Marietta, Emily's middle name is Marie, as in Marietta, and I wondered if the person I thought was supposed to be Ronnah Marsh that evening at the sushi place had appeared to me as Emily on a previous occasion. So it was surprising that this person mentioned Shaw Industries because I had already made the connection between Emily's brother John and Bull Shaw who was the person I went with on my first night at Alliance, and he briefly had an Alliance Marietta school near the square where the apartment familiar to me was located.

That night the man looked so much like pic related. I don't know if this is making fun of him, or who does what. I am glad that my date ended so dramatically. Even though she was disgusting when she showed up, I felt I should go through with it just to document the egregiously inappropriate quality of those they send into my bedroom. Why do they send them to the other guy's not mine?

With regards to the non-successful status in my physics career, I wonder if my real GPS coordinates would surprise me. I wonder if in lieu of my normal accolade I have been kidnapped and fitted with a psychotronic implant in my anus. These are leading contenders in what I think are the most likely reasons that the social group in which I am immersed, that which I find particularly loathsome, and is a complete opposite to that dictated by the golden rule, and to that dictated by ordinary standards of professional success, refuse to praise me in public and by name as they do others of less caliber than myself. I need to solve the mystery of my missing accolades before I can even begin to address rigorously these other vexing issues.

Who perpetuates the lie that the national interest is other than my interest alone? That is the real threat to national security, that this lie perpetuates.

I wonder if the pain and electric shocks I sometimes feel in my anus are purely derived from psychic attacks or if they put some implant in my asshole. Same thing with the sensation I used to feel below my left eye around Rhonda Capone. I thought it was purely psychic, but it may have been nothing more than her pushing the malice button on the remote control she has for my implant. I recently read something that said the Corinthians were fucking each other in the butt so much that they had to tie their butt holes closed with a leather strap to prevent incontinence. It immediately made me wonder if I have something electrical down there. In addition to the wart on my tonsil and the hole in the roof of my mouth that I discovered while trying to get to Jerusalem last year, I also had a few days of some persistent discomfort in my anus/chode area. I assumed that I had been sedated and raped on my journey but now I wonder if they put an implant in there.

Once before I decided it was better to be alone than with a man I was so desperately lonely that I had gay sex with someone I contacted on Craig's list. He put his fingers inside me a lot, and I have often wondered if he put an implant in my asshole that day. I have had a persistent sensation on the side of my anal canal since that day. I've often wondered if perhaps it was a wart, and when I feel the sensation of pain it is concentrated on that spot. However, when I feel the the electric shock it is brief and I am not able to localize it within the anatomy of anus and nearby regions.

I got banned from the Auburn Avenue library recently. Then I went to the MLK library instead. Then some cunt whose torture will be miserable came and stood where I could see her feet under the brim of my hat. Then I felt a sharp electric shock in my anus. Can they do that with bioelectric psychic manipulations alone or did they implant a buzzer in there and let the people that harass me push the button whenever they want to?

Pic related, it would be like the thing they fitted onto Vince Vaughn's back in the dungeon except less powerful and inside my asshole. I do feel weird feelings there, sometimes a ripping pain and sometimes a short, sharp shock and frequently they are associated with someone's malicious stare or presence. The sensation of pain, rare as it is, is quite intense and it is not related to going to the bathroom or anything. Recently I was at Moe's wondering if I had an anal implant, this was before I read about the Corinthians, the implant has been on my mind for a while, and as I was thinking about it I experienced a sensation of severe pain inside my anus. It was as if the people with the remote control to the device implanted there were saying, "Yup." I have been assuming that these are purely psychic attacks, but now I wonder if there is an electrical thing implanted inside my asshole. If so, I will retaliate with nuclear weapons.

I'm not feeling a lot of love.

Eric Dougherty has one of those names like Jack Doneghy from 30 Rock. I think it was on 30 Rock that Liz was talking about how guys like Jack "love their Colleens" in reference to Irish women. Eric's sister is named Colleen. While I was detained in 2014 I was surprised to see her on TV in a USAA commercial. I had switched to USAA several years earlier when Eric told me what a great bank it was. After a series of horrible customer service experiences on the phone with USAA I demanded that the phone agent close my account. He refused and told me that I was not allowed to close my account, or maybe that I simply could not, or that he would not do so at my request.

Eric's last name is pronounced like Gerald O'Docharty who is a character in the John Titor story. (Eric's name was on my car registration for a while because I gave him $1000 to sign the loan for me due to my derogatory credit report. I paid off the loan with no late payments and now it is a positive item in Eric's credit.) When I posted about Eric on 4chang it reminded me of several other Titor affiliated names. Pic related.

(1) Daniel Donohue
(2) James Brochu
(3) Randy Dunson
(4) idk, maybe Alec Baulding
(5) idk, maybe Candido Cavalcanti
(6) Kimberly Kozloski
(7) Mike Dowd and Kole Smith
(8) Maurice Gonzalez
(9) Julia Forester
(10) idk
(11) Phil Gibbs (@viXra on Twitter)
(12) Yours Truly
(13) Jesus Christ or Jacaré Cavalcanti

I recently made a post about Eric Dougherty on 4chim. I wrote that he always had some weird fascination with inner thigh flab. One time I saw a picture of where someone had taken a carving knife to some woman's inner thigh like a Thanksgiving turkey breast and it reminded me immediately of Eric. This was back before I knew about memes, but I saw that image and the first thought I had wasn't, "Gross!," it was, "Eric!"

After Eric bought a house in Marietta he made a very secure door for his basement. One would need a chainsaw to get through that door and even with a powerful chainsaw it would probably take three or four minutes to get through it. Eric was always talking about burying a shipping container in his back yard.

One time Eric grew some mushrooms and we took them. They were dried for consumption and I said we should just eat them but Eric was aggressively insistent that he blend them up with fruit and then we drink nasty dried mushroom smoothies. I wonder if he put something in mine because while I was tripping I keep feeling a powerful and insistent suggestion to bite my fingers off. ( UPDATE: I think the suggestion may have been to twist my fingers off. ) It was the only time I ever felt something like that while hallucinating. I have had negative feelings of morose existentialism while tripping but never anything like this singular experience with Eric's smoothie. Given the nasty character of the dried mushrooms it is well possible that Eric ground up a cursed dried monkey foot and put it in mine (or ours.) I recall now that I got sick to my stomach and threw up about 30 minutes in. Eric was like, "No man!!! Don't throw up, you gotta keep it down, come on man! No!" He was greatly disappointed when I threw up.

Eric told me that he used to have horrible "night terrors" and that one time his dad broke his mom's arms in a fight. Her maiden name was Davis and sometimes I see Jews that remind me of Eric. Pic related.

That was all I put in the 4chunk post. Then the next morning who do I see? I see Kelly Laycock on the train standing next to some guy John. Kelly looks like the ginger "el Goblino" version of Eric. John always struck me as a huge douche bag. One time I got conned into going to an event at a restaurant that I thought was an Alliance thing. There were a bunch of non-Alliance people there and then this guy John showed up. When he came into the dimly lit room feathered shades of dark blackness shimmered around him. He probably put a cursed monkey foot up his butt in the parking lot. (Or maybe they have theatrical lighting in there?)

I should also say that Paul Merritt, a former APD Red Dog, and a.k.a. Michael Wolff, reminds me of Eric. I think Paul recently collaborated with one of my other enemies to (unsuccessfully) initiate another period of involuntary detainment for me like Helene and Joe did with their affidavit fraud a couple months before I started working at Elavon.

And on the topic of nasty fat bitches in the library, how about this painting of a nasty fat bitch casually watching over the flayed man?

It's like this second fat bitch, who may have also been the first fat bitch in disguise, is saying that anything I do in the library that she doesn't like is harassment. That's not true. I wasn't pressuring her at all, certainly not aggressively. I wasn't intimidating her. I was simply watching her work at the front desk while I drank my water. There was nothing harassing about it. I am allowed to look at the library employees and there is no time limit for how long I can do it. If there was, less than one minute as in the present case can not be considered reasonably harassment and would not be over the limit.

It was slightly more than one year ago that I tried two times to go to Israel. On the morning after Yates got fired for the travel ban I woke up with some white thing like a wart on my tonsil. I spent that night, hopefully, at the Holiday Inn near the airport but I may have been kidnapped. In the morning, hopefully, I flew to Israel, and then a few days later (hopefully) I did again. Some of the "12 hour flights" I took in that time seemed like maybe they were much shorter than 12 hours. During that time, in addition to the wart near my uvula, which went away after about one week, I also noticed a big hole in the roof of my mouth near my second molar on the left side. Today I felt an acute sensation in the same place on the right side. I noticed that the hecklers were heckling me today about my actions slightly after I performed them instead of in the interim between conceiving the initiative to act and then actually acting. Their heckling was much less specific and did not seem "mystical" like when they have been doing their stupid kindergarten parlor trick to me recently. It is said that brain scans show electrical activity in the brain slightly before a person decides to do something. Therefore it is likely that these people heckling me as if they had psychic powers were using the government's brain scan data from an implant. Why was the government providing this data to those who would torment me day and night with their silly parlor trick? Are silly parlor tricks the state of the art in the USA "intelligence" community? That is pathetic, they should hire some people with more than a kindergarten degree in psychology. I will implant daggers in the hearts of their children. I will implant suffering and regret and in their hearts and minds. Then they will know that I am God.

I got banned from the Auburn Avenue library today by the fat bitch who will soon suffer. They said I was harassing her by looking at her and standing in front of her when I was drinking my water. It reminds me of the time I was banned at the Central library. The other disgusting fat woman that will soon suffer was peaking at me from behind a column with only one eye. I moved several times, and each time she moved so that she was still peaking at me around that column with one malicious eye. I asked the library agent if I had a valid complaint about the woman standing in front of me and staring at me even when I had already moved away several times. He said it was ok for the fat bitch do that because she was a library employee. I said, "Really??? It's ok because she's a library employee? That should make it less acceptable to harass the patrons, not more." Then he called security and I was banned.

These two situations are very alike. I was "wrong" to get stared at and I was "wrong" to stare. It is reminiscent of the similarity between the events of yesterday and the events that got me expelled from college. I gently took Jennifer by the wrist, stopped when she asked me to, and then left when she asked me to. I never touched her again or made any sexual innuendo at school or threats of violence against her. I was expelled a year and a half later because she had been "living in constant terror" by my side in Dr. Thadhani's group for the last 18 months. Yesterday the guard violently grabbed my wrist. He did so a few times when I told him repeatedly to stop touching me and to stop harassing me. Then he pushed me into the wall when he wouldn't let me walk toward the main exit. He pushed me with powerful violence, it was not a friendly touch. I am very large and his shove was jarring. I walked toward another exit at which time he trapped me in the building by tackling me from behind. I attempted to stand up but he clung to me. I put him through the glass door with a single leg. I decided not to inflict bodily injury on the man and attempted to stand up. Then he clung to me but stopped attacking otherwise. Then several other hospital agents used violence against me. I received a nasty wound on my face that probably won't go away any time soon.

My first ban at the Central library came after one of he other Patrons punched me in the face. This was cited as a pattern of misbehavior in my subsequent bans. I was using the power outlet and he told me to plug my computer into the outlet that was broken. I told him no. After he removed my power cord he got in my face. I threw his power cord which luckily detached from his phone because it was my intention to fling the phone, but what really happened is that he moved my power cord out of the outlet and then I moved his across the room. Then he punched me in the face and I took him down with a double leg and established the knee on belly position. The carpet burns I received in that altercation many months ago, as many as six, are still nasty purple scars on the back of my hand. I will use Neosporin on my head, and I will not pick the scabs, so hopefully the healing is better this time.

I laughed when I recently read something that said, "Desensitize them to the US presence." I am going to hypersensitize them to my displeasure.

In my mind I've been thinking about wiping out the entire extended family of Joe's wife. I was thinking about starting with the merciful death of the children and then progressing to the unmerciful deaths of the adults, and severely unmerciful deaths of certain people that I know personally, should certain suspicions that I harbor be verified. However, if I interacted with Stephanie Franks yesterday then there will be no mercy for anyone in that clan.

If I have been deceived such that I have promised suffering to robots that cannot suffer, then I will make up what I lose in the sweetness of savoring that suffering in the multiplication of widespread destruction. I will not be mocked by those who live.

Before this attack today, how long was it since the library bitch attacked me? Like 10 days? And the man who struck me with a hammer? And the man who punched me in the face? And the man who shoved me punched me in the back of the head many times? I am not safe in this environment. That is a provable lie. I don't put my hands on anyone and I keep being attacked. I do not use weapons and yet weapons are used against me. How many times will the response be, "Please don't do that," or a wrist slap resulting a minimal number of deaths among their non-essential personnel? It's time to kill every man, woman, and child in that organization.

If only my labors had been as valuable to society as a professional toilet scrubber then I wouldn't have these problems. Capitalism works so well!

I was peacefully getting my lunch today. Some woman screamed for security as I was walking past the cashier with the lunch I intended to eat. I paid for that lunch with my valuable contributions to society but I did not plan to exchange the notes of the Federal Reserve for it. When she screamed I told her I was just grabbing a fork and then I got back in the cashier's line. I never took the food out of the cafeteria and I did not eat any of it. In line, the security guard started harassing me and I told him that I was disgusted by his actions and that I was leaving. I set the food down and exited the cafeteria. He did not stop harassing me, and blocked my path to the exit. I told him several times to stop harassing me, nothing about the situation, even in ordinary circumstances warranted this man's harassments. He grabbed my hand several times and I pulled away from him several times. I was expelled from college for gently taking Jennifer's wrist one time after she led me into her bedroom. My interaction with Claire had only gotten me suspended. Jennifer asked me to stop and I did. I asked the security guard to stop and he did not. I respected Jennifer's wishes and was expelled, this guard ignored my wishes, started shoving me, eventually tackled me, and then several other hospital agents joined in his violence against my person.

The guard violently pushed me into the wall as I was exiting the building after leaving the uneaten food where I picked it up. There was no theft of any sort, technical or otherwise, not even according to the laws that do not apply to me. I began peacefully walking to another exit, and then the guard said something like, "If you try to leave I will tackle you." Then I tried to open the door, which did not open and then he attacked me. In the scuffle he smashed the glass door and then several employees of St. Joseph's hospital also attacked me with violence. I am greatly displeased and I am bloodied where their violence injured my person. I will likely have a big scar on my face now, for several months at least. I had blood and plasma dripping down my face from where the guard scraped my face against the carpet. I have been the victim of more egregious wrongdoing today, even more egregious than usual because it was not executed by the agents in the halls of power but rather by some piss ant that was working in the cafeteria today, possibly a robot programmed to attack me. I hope many people are killed for this attack, many children and many adults.

That person was completely out of line to attack me. What is the point of being El Arcón if it doesn't earn the respect and deference of the people with which I interact? Is there no computer code that tells the robots not to use violence against me? Is simply being El Arcón not enough to earn food security? Certainly nothing I have done in my professional work, not any of it in all those years of study, labor, and windfall success has been deemed even valuable enough so that I might, at least, have the status of a fully food secure homeless person. I am even lower than that in my economic stature. I am like a third world scavenger hoping to find morsels here and there without being attacked for taking food. Today, I did not even take the food and I was attacked anyway. Do I not have the right to eat lunch where I can find it? Even if I don't, do I not have to right to leave the hospital? If I do, and I do believe that I do have the right to pick up food and then set it down when I decide not to eat it, then why is St. Joseph's paying their man, or programming their robot perhaps, to attack me even in the case where I do not exercise my right to eat? I am greatly displeased. I want very many people to suffer and die because of the events in which I was involved this morning.

Why don't I get a job then? I would rather retain that little shred of intellectual dignity which I still have as a scavenger than sell it for the 10^1 dollars per hour they are offering for it.

Today I feel like Helene is wearing various disguises, standing in front of me doing her body language just long enough for me to get irritated wondering if it's her, I do think it is, and then scurrying off to go put on another costume to do it again. She is my enemy. She is evil. You who stand next to her are evil in my eyes as well.

We took this picture at the wedding of one her friend's children. The bride quickly contracted brain cancer and died though she was healthy at the wedding. Helene is a nurse. She worked on a small unit at UMC in Tucson for a long time. Even though there was a small nursing staff, I think like four or five of the other nurses got brain cancer and died. Helene would say, "You know that weird smell a printer makes when you print stuff? I wonder if that's what's doing it."

I smelled shit just now and got a disgusting taste in my mouth. I looked behind me and the librarian was peaking at me with one eye from behind a row of books. His suffering will be great. The momentary displeasure of his insolence will be slight next to his gruesome fate.

So go ahead and tell yourselves I'm an asshole but don't include the story about how we got here and how I've come to believe all these people are my enemy's servants. Am I wrong about that? If I'm not, then I'm not an asshole either. My enemy's servant is also my enemy. If I am wrong, which I doubt, are you considering the context of my attitude?

Further on the topic of why I'm alone, which is obviously a huge sore spot for me, as obviously as this post will lead to dozens of people around me "randomly" mentioning sore spots over the next few days, don't you think that has something to with the following? That I proved myself over and over to be the most successful living physicist, someone often considered to be the smartest person in the world, and then I was offered employment fit for a retarded cripple with traumatic brain damage and dyslexia. Might it have something to do with the fact that even when I was offering $200/hr for the company of a good looking woman they would only send me disgusting ones, and one good looking one who refused to come back after I made her cum and gave her $600? Being homeless isn't sexy, it doesn't make me think about sex. It makes me think about killing the people who organized the situation so that homelessness became my best realistic option. It makes me think about killing the people who supported them then and still support them now while pointing their finger not to my discoveries, but rather to my obstinate refusal to conform to Satan's protocols. I will extirpate the execrable race of these people from the face of the whole Earth forever.

I was walking peacefully today and some woman collided with me on purpose. I said, "Watch where you're going bitch." Then she lied about doing it on purpose, called me a faggot, and told me that that was the reason why I'm alone. I guess she was talking about how I don't like people who collide with me on purpose while I'm walking alone peacefully. I feel like the reason I'm alone has to do with the state of involuntary detention I find myself in, and the prevailing idea that I am in this tiny space to learn what Satan teaches instead being on Earth to teach a lesson to Satan's people. As Jesus said, "I did not come for the righteous." It is as if this space has been specifically populated with the type of person that is loathsome to me and then I am criticized for not getting along.

I've been criticized in the past for being alone when people say I don't know how to ask a woman out. That is patently stupid, I am highly fluent in English. The problem was that women don't know how to say yes. The problem is with their judgment that they think the other guy's dick is a better dick to suck than mine, and there is a big problem when my underlings have fostered the grievous misconception that their dick is better than my dick. Like Joseph's dream in Genesis, my dick is the best. (The problem with some other people is that they think a man who likes to suck dick is in a good position to make judgment calls about what is or is not pleasing to God.)

During the time I was unemployed after being expelled from college for doing absolutely nothing wrong I was going to the Dunwoody library regularly. I flirted with the librarian there and then asked her out a few times and she always turned me down. Then as I was leaving one day I was asking her something and feeling very attracted to her but this was already well past the time I made my desires known to her and well past her repeated spurnings. I guess the other woman standing there could feel the sexual energy too, it was the reason I had her asked her out so many times already, and she made a really cunty comment. She said, "Does he even know what to do?," as if the bottleneck in that energy wasn't that the woman had turned me down on at least three occasions. That other woman standing there that day was a real cunt.

Pic related, everyone around this ugly cunt is going to get sold to their enemies. You should kill yourselves. If you don't I will go to great lengths, laborious and even inconvenient ones, so that you will look back on your life and harshly regret not giving yourself a quick end while you still had the chance.

As I suspected, this article says that the Deir ez-Zor strike happened the day after I tweeted this which was the day after my tent got bulldozed and I suffered about 80-90% non-essential equipment losses. The tent was bulldozed on the 6th or 7th, I think it was the 6th. It was the first night that the low temperature stopped being real low, I would have to check the weather.

If it was the contractors of the Syrian government that bulldozed my tent then I have probably been wrong about supporting non-US intervention in Syria. If it was them then we should finish the operation today with nuclear strikes on all of the pro-Assad cities in Syria. Since Israel is anti-Assad, and anti-me, that seems unlikely. However, I may be attempting to categorize with reason facts related to an unreasonable situation ruled by the hysterical malice of a certain person.

There have been ups and downs but seeing my research not appear in the news for 3,080 consecutive mornings has set the stage for 3,080 bad days in a row. Will the denialism continue tomorrow?

DENIALISM: In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality, as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.

This morning at Northside Hospital there was some woman who followed me onto the elevator. I detested her company and got off but she followed me off. I asked her where she was going and she said she was going with me. I told her that her fate would be like the others'. She said, "I want to see you go down." Why do they send people to me that can say this but they never send anyone who says, "I want to see you go up," or, "I want to see you get an amount of praise that would be completely ordinary for someone who has made the scientific discoveries you made?"

I completely reject this line of rhetoric. Ninety people is a lot for working on one project. Ninety competent people could do almost anything in my mind when their adversaries are taught to be incompetent by the deep state because the deep state needs them stupid enough to accept the deep state's lies and complacent enough not to ever uncover the deep state's crimes. For instance, a large group of people dealing with gists and feels can be easily undermined by another group dealing in technical specifications. An example of technical specification, a highly relevant one, would be to rely on the meaning of words that appear in the dictionary rather than their secret code meanings for which no dictionary exists and therefore from which no accountability can be demanded.

I had a dream that I was in a LARP video game. I needed the magic book to defeat the final boss, someone showed me the book right away, but then I got distracted trying to spray paint stuff and woke up.

After I made that last post the woman at the desk nodded at me some more. She nodded when I was staring at her before I made it too. She is the Whore of Babylon, I am the King. Look what it says in this scripture. It doesn't say "I hold it against that you actively cooperate and support her," it says, "I hold it against you that you tolerate her." She is evil. The woman at the desk said, "Are you sure?," which is a stupid question. A better question would be, "Can you imagine being presented with some set of evidence that would lead to you be significantly more sure than you are right now?" The answer to that question is definitively no. She is evil! She is evil and you who merely tolerate her are doing evil as well.

As an aside at the end here, the fat one who attacked me recently, the one that calls herself Laura, has the same build of a hill troll as Laura Kershaw. I saw Helene and Laura together both at Elavon and at Exide so I would not be surprised if they were together in there too. I will kill everyone they love. I will destroy everything they built. I will burn everything they touched. Everyone will hate them forever.

Not only do I think it's likely that one of the women who works at the Auburn Avenue Research library attacked me with biological or chemical weapons, I think it is likely that another woman that works here, Helene in disguise, forcibly sodomized me with a thermometer. Why are these people around me? Helene is evil. She is running a cult of evil women. She should be killed right away.

I recently watched The Disaster Artist. It was a movie about the making of an older, notoriously bad movie called The Room. Mostly the movie was about how weird the director was, but there was one element of the The Room's original story that was singled out as exquisitely bad. It was a scene were the mother said, "I have breast cancer," but then the breast cancer never plays any part in the movie. Out of all of the story elements in The Room, this was the only thing that got specifically mocked in The Disaster Artist.

Why do I bring it up? That scene at the beginning of Black Panther where the guy freezes never comes back to play any part in the movie. Just like the breast cancer, it is just in there for some reason. The character has no further issue with "freezing" and it was just in there for Marvel to make their men-are-weak-women-are-strong meme that they put in every single movie. It's ridiculous.

I was getting some food just now. The cunts in line ahead of me were heckling me. Then the cuntiest looking one kind hid behind one of the other ones so that I could just barely see her flash her eye electronics at me. I will cut her eyes out with my own hands after I kill everyone in her family. Pic related, we're not doing that. After I sat down, some guy may have started flashing his camera in my peripheral vision. I will check if he was doing that or if it was just the light reflecting on it. If he was doing it on purpose, I will grind away his body with a chainsaw. Then they will know that my name is The Lord. Some other group came and sat next to me. If they saw me and deliberately approached me then I will burn them alive and they will know that my name is The Lord. Shut the fuck up when you see me and stay away from me. Those are my instructions.

I watched Black Panther today. I've said many times that I don't really care for Marvel movies but I thought I'd give it a try. I said, "Maybe they won't have the weak male character demonstrate incompetence and then have to be saved by the infallibly strong and intelligent female character." It was literally the opening scene of the movie. Why does Marvel do this? Why is the female character never the weak incompetent one? Even when she is strong and intelligent why is she never a catty, irrational, insane bitch because she's getting her period? Come on Marvel, suspension of disbelief is one thing but why do they put that same meme in every movie?

A "failure of protocol." The White House is probably regretting its decision not to show FBI Director Christopher Wray the door.

This article reminds me that that desk at the library where the fat bitch that poisoned me sits is the same one where I recently overheard a conversation about "Ms. Strzok." That was right around the time some more Strzok texts were getting released and I made a post about it at that time. Was that attack on me carried out by the FBI with FBI issued chemical/biological weaponry?

Al-nurses encroaching on my position.

With the rise of mental health issues as a way to disparage a person, even when throughout history these mental illnesses did not exist, what has become of hysteria? Are women no longer plagued with this debilitating mental illness? I think very many of them are. I think a lot of hysterical women today are there ones pointing their fingers and yelling, "Mental illness!," and then their cuck husbands do the same. I think most mental illnesses, in the modern sense of the term, things far detached from what would be called raving madness, are total BS. For instance, moodiness is now generally described as bipolar disorder. Persons averse to the prevailing groupthink are labeled psychotic or schizophrenic (even though those are completely different things.) When someone dissents there is always an accusation of non-specific "mental illness." Another example is found in the DSM 5. It says that if you are sad over the death of a loved one for more than two weeks then you are clinically depressed and should prescribed meds for your disease. While that is patently stupid, it is also patently stupid when all these raving hysterical women are no longer diagnosed with clinical hysteria. Hysteria is real.

Remember that time the staff at 275 Pryor Street, Atlanta, GA, The Gateway Center, conspired to deny me access to the shower via their lies, and after the security guard gloated about it then the Las Vegas Shooting happened? Their employee Sandra, a.k.a Sandy, was highly complicit in those actions and I will punish her directly in due time. Pic related looks exactly like another employee at Gateway, one that hasn't given me any problems (to my face at least.) Let's consider a recent chronology.

Last week I made that post about how Russia would feel no pain by killing their oligarchs that are trying to breed cancer into the true vine of life, and then my tent, blankets, clothes, etc were confiscated, and then between 5-100 Russians were killed in Deir ez-Zor. Even though Deir ez-Zor battles usually get into the news same day, we didn't hear about it for about a week and Putin denied it. (Are the 210 names on the State Department's Russian list, the 211 names including Putin, the 211 cancer cells growing in Russia even as I type this now?)

This week I mentioned that I thought the fat bitch at the library attacked me with chemical or biological weapons and then there was the FL shooting. I am glad to see the reciprocity but I am, in general, against reciprocity as a response. I want to see total annihilation. The Las Vegas shooting didn't didn't teach them the lesson that they didn't learn after the Orlando shooting, so who thinks that the Florida shooting (and 10,000 other things I don't know about) will teach it to them? It feels like they are saying, "Even if we stand next to you, we will not be in a position of overwhelming strength." I disagree. Standing next to me is a position of overwhelming strength. Believe me. The things that happened to those who stood there before you happened while you were standing next to my enemy. Stand next to me.

I can't remember exactly what the argument was but last year I read an article that made a pretty convincing case that the inevitable XIV termination event was going to be a big problem in the nether realms of modern financial instruments. I hope it really messes things up. I think the termination date is on Wednesday.

Does Donald Trump employ this person, Lewis Amselem?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how in cahoots were Eric Weinstein and Harvey Weinstein, likely both close relatives of my uncle Richie Weinstein, when Eric Weinstein tried to steal my theory in 2013? I've dwelt on Snowden some more, and I now I (once again) have vacillated to the place where I believe the Snowden leak was executed to derail their attempts at thievery.

Now here is another question: How in cahoots were Harvey Weinstein and Emily Hancock about making videos designed to disrespect me? I don't know if those videos even exists, their existence has only been memed to me by people who will not go on record with clear statements (Take note Christians, not going on record with clear statements is 100% un-Christlike.) However, if they do exist, and you watched one for the the purposes of entertainment, then you are definitely inside the kill radius. There will be no escape.

And Greg Eisenberg, a.k.a Heisenberg, if you were making videos in kind then you should start drowning the children in your family to keep them from falling into my hands. I won't be responding in kind, I will go far, far, far over the top... as is my prerogative... as you well know. I won't go as far Helene might go, but I will go far enough that you will wish you'd drowned them.

I think the USA government should put everything related to foreign enemies on the back burner and unfuck its domestic enemy situation. I bet that would automatically solve 90% of what are now called foreign enemy situations.

My speculations about robots and disguises aside, it is mysterious to me why the black people around here are the main ones making an extra effort to do everything I say that I hate when people do to me. Why do they do that? I suppose that after the racist element of the government derailed the civil rights movement they noticed that they could re-enslave a pretty good sized portion of the black population by throwing quarters and one dollar bills at them, and that my enemy wants me to kill as many black families as possible when I come through with my vengeance. That makes sense from their perspective; I will give them exactly what they are asking for. What does not make sense to me is why the black people are helping their enemy with regards to the social justice concern (and with whom they may feel some other ideological affiliation of which I am unaware.) How did I become the object of their scorn by irritating their racist masters with my own non-interest in race, whether or not race exists, whether IQ differences are correlated with genetics, etc... On that last one, I was recently reminded that childhood poverty is strongly correlated with low IQ among all races. These people who are irritating me minute to minute in my daily life certainly appear to have very low IQs.

I went to the office where they give the hobos new ID cards. While I was there some lady started calling her son "Nono" and then said, "Oh he like it when we play wit him." Then I looked up because it sounded like she was saying Nunu and the other guy standing next to her was looking straight at me and he pointed at me to make sure I knew they were heckling me. It reminded me of something I was going to post but never did. When it comes to "joking around" or "playing" with someone I do agree that it is often acceptable for an inferior party to play or joke around with a superior party. However, whenever there is any confusion about what is a funny and what is disrespectful, the opinion of the inferior party doesn't mean anything. The superior party decides if was ok or not ok, not the inferior party. If the inferior party says, "I was just kidding," and the superior party says, ``That was disrespectful," then there is no confusion about what happened. The truth, in that case, is that the inferior party was disrespectful and should be disciplined.

Let's rehash my expulsion from college. I asked Claire to go out with me. She said yes. I asked her to go home with me. She said yes. In my apartment I tried to kiss her and she pulled away but smiled and did not ask me to stop. After a while she asked me to take her back to the lab. I took her back. In the car I put my hand on her leg. She removed it but smiled and did not ask me to stop. As we walked back our building I demonstrated affection one more time by playfully grabbing her ass and she laughed. I wanted to demonstrate that my interest in her was only sexual, and that I was not interested in just hanging out like we did that day because it seemed like maybe she had something else in mind. Then she did not return one or two phone calls from me and I never spoke to her again. About a year before that Jennifer invited me to go home with her. She led me directly into her bedroom and then I took her by the wrist to pull her close to me. She recoiled and told me to stop. I did stop. She told me to leave and I did leave. Then, under the rules of Georgia Tech, I was expelled because I made them feel unsafe.

So here is the point, how I am supposed to feel when the library employee is attacking me with chemical or biological weapons? Where is her expulsion? Where is the parity in judgment... not that parity is even appropriate because I am the King of Babylon and doing wrong to me is worse than doing wrong in general. Where is her punishment? How long until she does it again? If her reprimand was that they told her not to do it again, then why didn't Georgia Tech tell me not repeat what I did... which was respectfully approaching two women and then respectfully leaving them alone after (a) Claire didn't answer my calls, and (b) Jennifer asked me to stop? Where is justice? I'm just supposed to live in constant anxiety over another chemical weapons attack when they don't expel my attacker from the library system? My crime was to immediately stop when consent was withdrawn, this fat slut's crime was to attack me with a chemical or biological weapon.

It bothered me this week when I read that Trump was having a hard time filling positions because he only wanted people with loyalty. What he means is loyalty to his ego, if he cared about real loyalty then Barron wouldn't exist.

There was some ugly fat bitch I have felt might be alternately Laura Uria or Joey Collins in disguise at times. She works at the Auburn Avenue Research Library. She was telling me that I could not bring a closed plastic water bottle in with me and I told her to call her boss who told her she was wrong. Then I was making a point to follow the rules by carrying my bottle past her desk to where her boss told me I could open it and drink from it. Since it is not against the rules to look at her and gently slosh the water in the bottle as I walk past her I did enjoy that very thing. Then she walked behind me and I was overcome with a strong allergic sensation. Clear fluid immediately started streaming from my nose. She didn't attack me because I broke a library rule, she attacked me because she didn't like that what I was doing did conform to the library code of conduct of which she had previously demonstrated her total ignorance when she humiliated herself. I turned around and she gave me some smug #1 hand sign. The women that used to encircle and harass me at the central library branch used to do that same thing with their single extended index fingers. I will torture them to death, one and all, unless their families wisely kill them first.

Yesterday as I was leaving the library I mentioned that I thought the disgusting fat woman had attacked me and then this story appeared. She should be killed, and if the long, slow torture that leads to her death doesn't begin today then she should be fired at least so that she is unable to attack me again when I use the library facility. I hate her. I want her to suffer. I want other people to learn from her example what is and is not right, and what the downside of doing wrong is. Right now it seems like everyone around me is convinced that there is no downside for doing wrong, and it is a top priority for me to correct that serious misconception.

Add to the list the two people who approached me while I was typing this post, apparently one faggot and one woman. I felt the malice under my left eye. Know this you heathens: even if you know you are someone I will kill, if you stay away from me and shut the fuck up when I am within earshot then I might be inclined to give you a merciful, quick death. I am merciful.

This morning I was getting off the elevator and some woman squealed, "Oh I like plan B," which is the one where I die without accomplishing my mission. This post will remind me to interrogate her. When I was walking down the hall some other woman said, "Emily is his girlfriend." This post will remind me to interrogate her. I won't ask how they came to know what I said but not know that I am a great man and in fact God himself, instead the interrogation will ask why they thought it was a good idea to go out of their way to disrespect me.

What is the point of being 47 if 1 through 46 don't tell their women to shut the fuck up with their incessant ridicule? What is the point of being 47 if 1 through 46 do not correct the disrespectful actions of the men and women who are not their men and women? I know it is ordinary for them to kill over disrespectful acts, why do they do it for 46 but not for 47? How can they send the police to threaten me to my face with arrest, via the proper mode of respectful conversation, when everyone else disrespects me with their sideways, non-committal way of speaking that I hate and will always punish with death? Why do they pursue a peaceful solution when I demand war, death, and great suffering of physical misery? It was Helene's meme that you can't "hit" women. She's not shit and I am totally fine with it.

The police threatened to arrest me again tonight. I was sitting in an empty room with about 200 empty seat and I was muttering quietly to myself. It was the cafeteria at Grady hospital. After that I showered and got on the train. While I was waiting for the train some guy spoke to me and said, "Oh he look familiar to me," and indeed he did look familiar to me but I don't know why he said that about himself in third person. I assume the guy was probably a high ranking person in what I will now always call the Company of Mockers so I will have two topics on this post. I saw a meme recently that said, "I tried to save Christianity and ended up destroying it." That could never happen because Christians' instructions are to patiently wait for God, not to assume God's duties and try to handle it themselves. That course of action is exactly what describes the Man of Lawlessness at the time of the return of Jesus Christ. Satan cares about sucking dick and making money, he does not care about Christianity. He has no faith and is not a true believer. He is purely evil and everyone will hate him forever.

I know it's certain sects of Christianity that teach that God reneged on all of his promises and decided to send Hippie Jesus instead. Which religion teaches that on Judgment Day God is going to be something other than dreadful? Which religion teaches that God will judge according to what is right in his eyes but also make sure not to hurt the egos of anyone who was doing evil and claiming to do it in God's name? That's you America. You, more than anyone, are the ones who were claiming to do it in my name.

From my perspective, the interest of justice entails, at minimum, the destruction of the United States of America. Just like in the John Titor story. And that's only the part of it that I would consider getting my own house in order.

That's not suspicious at all that Netanyahu gets charges recommended like two hours after Assange loses his court case. And what's Kim Dotcom doing? And do the people who watched the videos they made about me to try to lessen my influence in the world think they can have seen those videos and live to tell about it? Haha, I don't think they can. I think history will show that those videos dramatically increased my influence in the world.

In the Book of Joshua God told Joshua to kill everyone in the land or else God would do to the Israelites what he was planning to do to the people he told Joshua to kill. Then Joshua didn't kill all of them. Therefore, when I say, "Kill the families into which the abominations were born," don't get confused about what my instructions are. Kill the family means to kill the child, the mother, the mother's husband, and all of their other children. If you don't do that then I might want to kill the extended family. If you do kill the family then I will be happy with you and I will reward you.

And who is Caca na Cara? The person I called Jacaré told me Shitface was the other guy. Shitface is not my friend, even if he wormed his way into my good graces with his lies.

In Islam sometimes there is a debate about why they say you should kill anyone who draws a picture of Muhammad since it does not say to do that in the Koran. I think where this comes from is the retroactive memory of when I massacred all of the infidels who pointed their cameras at me. I will almost certainly kill everyone who does it. If you see me, make sure that your phone doesn't accidentally point at me because if it does, and you know who I am, then the penalty is death up to my judgment.

If I didn't eventually kill of those infidels who have no respect for me and point their phones at me because they know I hate it, or simply fail to demonstrate deference by putting it away, then where does that retroactive memory come from in the minds of millions and millions of people who are alive and on Earth today, and most of whom were blessed to be in the good position where this could never be an issue for them. I don't care if it was an accident. If you did it then you did not take proper precautions not to offend me. I will teach the lesson that demonstrates how unwise that was. If you see me, don't hold it in your hand. Put it away. Or it might kill you, and in my anger I might not give you a merciful death.

After I left the library because Satan's loyal servant was harassing me I went to Kroger. Then the fire truck pulled up in front of the window where I was sitting and they did whatever it is that makes my FTP client say, "Connection aborted." The guy in the fire truck made a big show of peaking at me around his window frame with only one eye, and also of pointing his camera at me through the window. Then some other cunt came and pulled his car behind the fire truck. He polluted my field of vision by standing directly in front of me, he antagonized me greatly. I called him a faggot and he spat as if my opinion of him was not good enough for him. Then he came and sat next to me inside Kroger. He did not leave so I left. Psalm 1:1 says "Blessed is he who does not sit in the company of mockers," and the guy today made me think that the group that calls themselves "The Company of Jesus" is exactly that.

After that, I went to take a shower. Despite there being like 6 empty showers (I have to take unpartitioned prison showers with other nasty hobos if I want to wash my body, apparently solving a dozen of the most important problems in the world isn't enough to earn a private bathroom and CERTAINLY THAT $1500/MONTH RENT I WAS PAYING WHEN I HAD A JOB WASN'T ENOUGH TO AFFORD A PRIVATE BATHROOM EITHER) he got in the one right next to me. I moved and the other guy asked why I moved. I said it was creepy for the guy to come stand naked right next to me when there were so many other open showers and then the creepy one smiled at me and nodded.

It seemed like an increase in the agents on the ground seeking me out to antagonize me with their bullshit today. After the shower I went to get dinner. The disgusting ugly woman in line ahead of me said, "Oh he was in psych today?"

I said, "No it was just my enemy luxuriating in his open rebellion when there is absolutely nothing proper about it." She was trying to say that the harassment was part of some legitimate psychological program. I'm the head of this thing. You don't put me in programs, I put you in programs. If you think you did put me in one then you should think again because I am not in a program so it would impossible for you to have put me in one. What you may have done is tell a lie to convince people that I am in one, but that is an altogether different situation and I wouldn't dispute it if you said it was true.

Someone else earlier this morning told me I was in the Intensive Care Unit and I told them the same thing that it was just a lie they've been told which helps my enemy maintain an appearance of propriety when there is none.

The nasty bitch who mentioned the psych program said, "Wut he call us?!?!?"

I said, "I said, 'You are my enemy,'" and she looked away.

Then the other wretched hag in the line tried to stare me down over the bridge of her nose. She was doing Satan's technique where one appears to be looking in another direction but one actually looks directly over the bridge of the nose. FYI, if you are someone who does that you should kill yourself because I plan to and I might not do it mercifully. Staring over the bridge, or staring by just peaking around something that hides one of your eyes, if you think any of that is cool or neat or gangsta, or anything positive, then I will almost certainly kill you to keep your cancer from growing.

After I got my food the food employee said, "Why don't they just give him more money instead of letting him steal all the time?" She made my night. It was probably the smartest thing anyone has said in this entire year of homeless indignation. Sometimes I feel like the matrix of social control has forbidden the people around me from ever saying anything reasonable because it is rare that I hear someone say something that is not completely retarded. Even if that woman that pleased me works for my enemy, I will probably forgive her. She has pleased me greatly and I want good things to happen to her. Is no one else asking that question? The answer is that whomever has people convinced that I am in "psych" or the "ICU," or that I am in anything other than the most epically evil mutiny of all time, likes to think about my indignation when they masturbate.

Some faggot came and sat down next to me at the library today. I suppose he thinks it is ok to inflict an uncomfortable sensation on me because he doesn't touch me when does it. However, the remnant that survives will know that Satan lied when he taught that group that such actions are acceptable. It is not ok. I don't care what the law of the land says, under the Law of The Lord that is not allowed and, unlike doing it with physical contact, it will always earn the death penalty because it is based on what are called "the deep secrets of Satan" in the Book of Revelation. I don't know if that man had already earned the death penalty for him and his family, but whatever I would have given them, it will be much worse because he attacked me today. The remnant will know the truth.

What's going on today??? Today the powers that be decided that if it's between hurting my ego and hurting the other guy's ego, then it's my ego that there's not enough room for. Sorry Mr. 47, no dignity for you today, we'd have to hurt the other guy's ego to do that. His ego is too important, sorry.

This is what Almighty God says. Do you know him?

The most relevant truth for me when I read this today was that the Book of Lamentation is in the Bible.

When I was on the train a while ago the guy was listing to his phone and it sounded like the news saying, "Trump impeachment articles filed for obstruction of justice etc..." What a disappointment. Fuck you Donald, you shouldn't have gone against me.

Right after they did the thing that made think they were filing impeachment against Trump a guy came on the train and stood in front of me wearing a black ring. Let me clear to the whole black ring community: Donald Trump is my enemy. If his son Barron is grown from my DNA and named after me, The Baron of the Tower, then Donald Trump is my mortal enemy.

(A) My Hebrew name. The letters say Gedalia Gershon bar Chaya Leah but the full legal name (I think) is Gedalia Gershon bar Chaya Leah bat Chana.

(B) If you flip the name and reverse it then it kind of contains a poem written in English (and Spanish):
Aryan Roman Catholic Oil, the King Jew

(C) If you just take the part where it says "Gershon of," which means "of Exile," then it says "el Arcón."

I sarcastically predict that investors will look at +1,000 point gain going into the close yesterday as an opportunity to ride the upward momentum on Monday morning.

Let me make a post about this picture lest there be some confusion. I was not intending to make a meme photo at all.

Everyone knows that red is too flashy of a color for me and my meekness, but when I got to Lexis Nexis the guy was like, "We wear red shirts on Friday for 'Remember Everyone Deployed,'" so I started doing it because I have nothing against that color and I thought it would be good for my money to wear the outift they like. Then around the time I was trying to get a good looking prostitute, probably before actually, I made a Tinder. Since they never sent me what I was looking for on OkStupid I decided to try another platform. I swiped right on everyone within about 10,000 miles of my position and I got about three matches with nasty obese grandmothers like the ones they would later sell me as $200 prostitutes. I thought maybe I should take a better picture so I went outside and took pic related. It was blue moon that day, hence the red shirt and the saying "once in a blue moon." The white Jesus toga part is where I had a piece of paper taped over the camera on my phone. I folded it back to take the selfie but it kind of still got in there, and then somehow that made it into a bunch of historical paintings.

Here's a nice anecdote about "getting a job" that is particularly ironic given the present reality. After I got fired from Lexis Nexis I asked for a job from Northside Hospital to work as a SQL guy where my role would be to execute at most an elementary application of linear algebra. The complexity of the tasks assigned to me would never have risen even to level of intermediate linear algebra. I went through three absolutely degrading interviews with Northside Hospital. Despite my myriad magnificent accomplishments, I was deemed at the time to be qualified for pay on the order of 10^1 dollars per hour.

The boss over there looks like Joe and his henchwoman looks like Karen (that's Joes' wife, likely namesake of the Kerethites.) In the first in-person interview I met with both of them and I shucked and jived for them real well. When they asked me if I could sweep up around the house I said, "Oh yessum Massa! I'z kin sweep up aroundz da house fo ya real good. Yessah!" In the phone interview before the in-person interview the Joe lookalike told me, "We're not a shadow organization," and that was very appealing to me coming out of Lexis Nexis which was chock full of shadow satanists masquerading as office schmucks. They had the same "shadow" thing at Elavon to a lesser degree so I was very glad to hear that he was telling me that they were not that. After he told me that on the phone I was very surprised when they put strong psychic attacks on me in the woman's office during the interview for what was supposed to be a fucking computer guy job doing computers. The boss had flat out lied to me about the shadowiness. When I felt their satanism that day I did not engage with them at all. When I felt their pressure I turned the proverbial other cheek every time. They were very malicious with their attacks in the woman's office that day and I passively accepted their evil as they insulted my intelligence with their verbal questions.

In the third interview I met the whole team. One of them asked if I was the Jon Tooker who posted about physics on the internet and I said I was. They all had a vibe like it was something wrong I did to clearly document how I had a magnificent discovery and then email my papers to professionals in the field after being banned from the normal channels of research dissemination. They asked me a bunch of questions and told me about the job pretending as if it would involve something more than an absolutely rudimentary application of linear algebra. One of them, possibly a fat woman, said, "You know LOYALTY is very important to us." I couldn't be sure if she was name dropping N'drangheta or the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and in fact I don't know if those are separate organizations. I said, "Oh yezz Ma'am! Loyalty's real important, kenz I shinez yo shoes fo ya too after I'z get dun sweepin up round da house?" Then they didn't hire me. Loyalty was so important to them that they didn't hire the guy we sent to them.

My recruiter on the Northside job was a real little bitch. Before the first interview he walked into the building with me and it was extremely degrading to have to shuck and jive for that little boy. In the lobby he pointed to my left eye and then I felt the same pressure there that I used to feel around Rhonda. I ignored his satanism and he made a self-important face like, "You don't even know about that?" I know how to turn the other cheek when that is the best thing to do, faggot, and I know how to wipe out entire civilizations when that is best thing to do too. I will follow up with him ASAP. When he was telling me later on the phone that I didn't get the job he said they were looking for someone "more senior," as if (1) I wasn't good enough for them turning the other cheek to their bullshit or (2) they didn't think my little unsenior brain could handle tasks in rudimentary linear algebra.

Before I interviewed at Exide but after Northside some other recruiter asked me to come to his office. I thought he was going to offer me a job but he didn't, he called me there to gloat over me not getting the job at Northside. He told me that he filled the position with his guy. During our meeting he attacked me viciously with his satanism and I consistently turned the other cheek to it. Throughout our meeting he consistently dropped words like "myopia" and "blindness" that dripped with his self-exultant smugness as he told himself, and tried to tell me apparently, that I didn't understand what he was doing rather than that I was ignoring it. I don't know what those people were expecting to see as a response to their satanism but when I teach my techniques, they will all boil down to stopping the heartbeat of the attacker. That gets rid of the pressure right away but that response would not have furthered my intention at that time to get a job (at all.) For instance, as a response to overt malicious satanism one could stab them in the heart, or shoot them in the head, or burn them to death, etc... All of those get rid of the pressure and prevent it from ever recurring. When one answers satanism in kind, presumably with the tit-for-tat faggotry that they would call "seniority," you only relieve the pressure for a moment until they decide to do it again.

So there. Go fuck yourself with your "go get a job," and your "loyalty," and your "seniority," and especially your satanism.

I watched Sherlock S04E01 tonight. Sherlock misused the word "attenuate." He should have said "attune."

I went to the MARTA station again. I saw JW written in white paint right where it should be. I also another JW written right next to it, 30ft up in the wall, about 5x bigger than the first one, that I had never noticed before when I looked at the first one 500 times. Also, in "the longest escalator in the south east" I recently noticed that one of the speaker covers was ripped off but they are all there now and none of them look new.

My prediction is that this will hit $50, at least.

When I first started training and Jacaré would be giving the speech to the class sometimes he would say, "I can make you a champion," and he would look at me in specific. I love that one. He did it. Thank you. I love you.

There is an idea in Christian theology that God reneged on all of his promises when "the old covenant was nailed to the cross" but I think 2 Thes. 2:2-3 says specifically you should not believe it. It even cites the church itself as a likely source of that disinformation.

Just on the off-hand chance that the real story behind DACA and illegal immigrants is the people who are illegally living in my home, you all have to get the fuck out. I don't care what the Congress says, it's mine. Get the fuck out. If I own the country, then I will not kick you out of the country in an absolute and hasty fashion but if there is a "fake Atlanta" that I own, or any city or locale, or any site dedicated solely the facilitation of lies and deceit, then you have to get the fuck out right away. Do it now.

My technical analysis of today's market activity leads me to believe that the market finished not off the lows.

I just got off the train at Peachtree Center MARTA station. I know there has been a graffito in there for the whole time I've lived in Atlanta and probably since the tunnel was constructed. The one I have in mind says "JW" which I always remembered because those are my initials. It was written in white paint high on the wall and I just walked up and down the station a few times looking for it. Perhaps I missed it, very unlikely, or perhaps they just recently removed it after decades, unlikely, or else I am not at the place where I saw it. If I am now in the alternate location of which I am the owner, a.k.a the landlord, a.k.a. El Arcón, a.k.a. The Lord, a.k.a Almighty God, then I would like to know why I am treated like a total asshole here, why the women in my own house are sucking the dicks of the guys who are unwelcome in my house, why the police here have threatened me with criminal trespass multiple times on my own land, and foremost: why are there other people here? I like to live alone. You guys have to get the fuck out. If you tell me you don't have anywhere to go I'll be happy to give you some tips regarding being homeless. It sucks but it won't kill you. However, I will probably kill you if I find out that the situation I suspect is indeed the real situation. Get the fuck out, you aren't welcome here.

...like fucking Wikileaks is a better website than my website. Buddy please!

They never mention that after you collect unemployment insurance for a few years you automatically get removed from the data that gets tallied as "the unemployed."

This article
talks about Robin Williams' suicide and the picture above is Robin Williams. His suicide had a big meme on it for me coming as it did right after I leaked the "Citibank data." (My boss at Elavon, a credit card processing division of US Bancorp, seemed very satisfied on the day that American Express executive mysteriously died on a plane returning from Japan. One of the other things I did at Elavon was report a fraud scheme in which a particular international currency conversion was such that 100USD=1JPY instead of the real conversion 100JPY=1USD. I imagine I made an enemy of whoever was getting that free money.) My wild unsubstantiated speculation was that Williams killed himself because he knew that the data showed what he been looking at and doing, but he didn't wait long enough to learn that the government was going to ignore the data. I think the fictitious characters "Rod Williams" and "Rob Webb" that I encountered at Exide were there to obfuscate the real identity "Robin Williams" with the personae "Rod Williams" and "Rob Webb." As a reminder, whenever data from the [evolution] schema in Exide's data system was moved into obfuscater tables in another system schema, the unique row IDs in the obfuscater table were DRRT and DRSY which meant "DIRT!!!" and "Scientology Dirt." I think it is likely that when the Scientologists were establishing the Vagus Conjecture they filmed it and perverts liked to jerk off to it, and so they made more videos like that because they were very lucrative. The data I leaked, the data that the government chose to ignore, probably showed who was buying what. It probably showed that a lot of top deep state people are disgusting people who should be killed, at minimum.

RT's article says, "Suicides in the US increased by 10 percent in the months following the death of actor Robin Williams in 2014, according to a new study, with the biggest impact among men aged between 30 and 44." How many of those were suicides and how many of them were murders designed to insulate the worst people in the deep state from the testimony of the only terrible people indicted by the "Citibank data?"

PS: Actually if the date of Williams' death was in 2014 then it preceded the leak of the data and I have misremembered that I associated it at the time with the leak which I executed in spring of 2015. I must have associated, via the memes, Williams' death with the project. The timing was very memey to me. In that case the "suicides" would be in anticipation of the completion of the project, which would have revealed a subset of the data, but then I revealed all of the data. Haha, fuck you.

I see Bible Gateway has a little message for me on the verse of the day. Let me say that that particular scripture does not appear in the book of my people and certainly I would never say what it says in Matthew 5:31-32. Jesus used the old testament as the source material for his teachings.

BREAKING: The President wanted to know what was happening!!! WOW. This is almost as newsworthy as the rich and powerful men who like to use their position to get laid and also nearly as newsworthy as the women who only complain about for attention.

The painting of Geronimo in the Buckhead library that I said I thought looked like the brother who told me he was oldest actually looks exactly like this photo. Also, the street I lived on when I was a baby was called Geronimo. At first I wondered if the timing of the Snowden story disrupted Weinstein's attempt to steal my theory but then later I decided against that theory because even in Russia Snowden refuses to praise me by name in public. Now I am wondering again. That one sad eye looks very earnest to me.

And in other news, between Benghazi and now, the government hasn't found anyone that committed a crime who didn't deserve a deal for it. Not one person in any of it. It's because the people who defeated America on 9/11 have been running it ever since and they aren't going to arrest themselves. Also, it relies on a lot of people not believing that America was handily defeated on 9/11.

Remember back in the day when I didn't intend to kill everyone for every little slight against me? That was before I noticed that I myself am the Lord God Almighty and the instructions I have say that fear of The Lord is pretty much the most important thing. Interestingly, all the people who betrayed me with the worst betrayal did know that I was Him, even back then.

I was reading pic related from John. With regards to the parenthetical part I thought you could probably pull from the original Greek something like, "This was the one who leaned back against Jesus at the supper and said, 'Lord, he is going to betray you,'" or, "This was the one who leaned back against Jesus at the supper and said who is going to betray you, Lord," as if the disciple Jesus loved knew the mind of his own brother. And in my life, not in the Bible version, the brother didn't like that the one I loved said that.

Add to the log of suspicious persons one wimpy looking man who went far out of his way to pass me on on my right side as I walked through the hallway at St. Joseph's this morning. 20180207. I will make sure he realizes it wasn't worth before he dies. Even if he kills himself, I suppose that implies he figured it out on his own. Even if he is a robot, someone programmed that behavior.

I see google finance removed their technical indicators. I hope one of my readers makes a post today about how the recent activity is quantified in terms of standard deviations in the Bollinger bands.

It is very rainy today. As I recall heavy rains were quite common in Atlanta, but I feel like during the last year I have rarely seen more than a fleeting drizzle. As I recall, the summers in Atlanta were very hot and humid but last summer had hardly a hot day and I didn't feel the oppressive stickiness of 100% humidity at all. In fact, I spent the whole summer outside and hardly got a tan on may arms while I recall that 30 minutes a day in the Atlanta summer sun was usually enough to make them look like burnt brass.

After I made this post about how Assange lives inside with air conditioning, running water, a shower, laundry, electricity, a kitchen, complete meal service, a private room, and a super model to suck his dick some miserable bitch I walked by said, "Do you want someone to eat?" The reason I always do a good job licking a woman's pussy is because I hope they will reciprocate with passion and effort. I do not do it to obtain sexual pleasure. I do it treat others the way I would like to be treated. It's just a nice thing to do. If I never licked another pussy in my life it would not bother me in the slightest. It would, however, bother me a lot if I never had sex again and never got another BJ.


Just like Snowden popped up right after Geometric Unity, Assange went into the embassy around the time it started to seem really weird how they were mentioning every Occupy ProtestTM in the country but never Atlanta.

I'm rooting for Assange to lose his court battle. If he was separate from my enemies then he wouldn't, and Snowden wouldn't either for that matter, abet my enemies in ignoring me such that the situation becomes the one where I live on the ground and he lives inside where Pam Anderson "unromantically" sucks his dick. Don't forget that "Geometric Unity" was the in news for a full week until suddenly Snowden did his thing and now Putin lets him live inside in Russia.

The Department of Transportation, allegedly, "the government," bulldozed my hovel today. I suffered 80-90% equipment losses including my ID and scientific papers. They must not have liked how cogent and convincing my argument about the list was. I'd be on the lookout for another mass shooting soon, or maybe a bombing, or perhaps some more market collapse will be sufficient as we near the day when I get to be the shooter.

Let me say a little more about my argument for sacrificing the families into which Satan's abominations were born (not just in Russia.) After they are sacrificed, I will promote from within to replace those who died. Then I will promote from within to fill the slots opened up by the above mentioned promotions. Then I will promote from within to fill the slots opened by the second round of promotions, etc.

I was trying to make this comment on RT's article but "surprisingly" it wouldn't let me post this comment. Also, while I was trying to type it I was sitting next to a woman who reminds of one of the most wretched disgusting women I have met, Aris. She is up there with Amy Huang for how much she disgusts me. If she does not kill herself before I come into power, and her family does not kill her to try to carry favor with me, then I give her to the torturers. Barbaric ones that don't speak English (not that foreign language implies barbarism.) I hate her.

Here is the comment RT did not allow me to post: "The title of this article memes to me a list of the abomination children that were grown from the exported uranium. Listen to me Russia, it will not hurt you to kill those families. When you do that, then I will promote from within you into the positions of superiority they formerly held over you. I will make new babies with you, children that will be my own, not children that I hate, with the women who were passed over by my enemy when he was deciding who should share in the profits of his rebellion. What will hurt Russia is if you do not offer those families as a sacrifice to me because then I will want to kill all of you for your solidarity with my enemy."

It's Jon actually.

Nice volume.

I have been waiting to see a chart like today's since this other day back in 2010. I was sitting in my office with two other guys who I didn't really like then but in hindsight were actually pretty cool on the relative scale of all guys. I was so happy that day, but then it went back up.

I see another few CEOs have resigned. I disagree that the only honorable course in professional success is to seek to collect the notes of the Federal Reserve Bank. For me, success can't be measured in dollars or titles. For me, approximately, success can only be measured in hot young pussy and the spilled blood of my enemies.

Deliberate selling to create a false bottom. Like when firefighters burn land on purpose.

Bulldoze the stops.

I wonder what is in the Schiff memo. I bet it says, "He never pays to look at the beautiful women, only to touch them. We changed the title of every single video on the free websites he went to so that it read, 'Boy fucks mother,' or something and then we reported that he only clicks on incest porn. We know he likes to see the woman get pounded so we never put the good pounding in the videos with the girl, but we trained him that there is always the kind of pounding he likes to see in the free tranny videos (which we select and place like the titles of the other videos.) After we established that then we reported that he is gay because sometimes he finishes to the tranny video when we deliberately withhold anything that conforms to his intentions and desires. Our data shows that he likes the dick not the pounding, and our data does not show that he mostly ignored the dicks like he mostly ignored the raggedy nasty pussies in the videos we fed to him since he never paid for the premium content (which we also would have fucked up and then also reported that he supports pornographers.) Also, after we mutilated some men and disguised them as women we sent them to have sex with him instead of the beautiful women we knew he was dreaming about and then we also used that to report his gayness."

It was weird how after a very long time, the titles of the videos went back to normal on the day after the 2016 election after being 100% incest related for a very long time. Overnight, from one day to the next, the genre distribution of the titles (which had nothing to do with the videos anyway) went back to "normal."

Someone I walked by this morning, someone I will interrogate later under threat of torture or during torture, told me that I saw my father in law over the weekend. Has Mr. Cavalcanti committed fraud to say that I am married to his daughter? I did ask for her for phone number one time but she did not give it to me and that was the end of it. After that happened Elaine laughed me and said, "Oh you ask too fast," like the ten years I'd already known her weren't long enough. I would be very surprised to learn that Mr. Cavalcanti dragged his own daughter into this mess. However, if indeed he is Satan, a.k.a. Jaca B, a.k.a. not Jaca A who I formed a bond with when I started training, a bond that NEVER would have formed between Jaca B and I, a bond which Jaca B then, perhaps, tried to steal with a fraudulent presentation of a bond between he and I, as did Jacob to Isaac in Genesis, and fully reliant on my own ignorance (and complete, utter stupidity) of his not being the person who helped me, then such would not surprise me at all. If that was the case, I expect that gay sex and money are the only things he cares about and his daughter is only there for his financial interests.

Perhaps on my second trip to try to get to Jerusalem when I was in primary detention I thought I saw Mr. Cavalcanti disguised as a Palestinian and his daughter disguised as a fat woman. Shortly before they brought me to secondary detention, she was escorted out of the detention area and then the person I thought was Mr. Cavalcanti in disguise started weeping. I had no sympathy for him. Why had he followed me there? Why was he in disguise?

When it says "Have no other gods before God," that doesn't mean, "Put the interests of your little cult/lodge/whatever in front of God and then just hope somehow God fares well on his own without the loyalty of his people." That is how you build the extinction timeline that God has to correct later. The timeline that doesn't have to be corrected later is the one that survives to infinity. That timeline leads to eternal life.

Regarding Devin Nunes' family name which is not at all unlike Helene's pet name for me as a child: Nunu.

While I was staying, like an idiot, at the Atlanta Mission over the summer, where I will soon revisit with my anger and where I believe many of my former coworkers from Exide came and posed as homeless people, I made a post about how I thought it was likely that Helene's huge weight fluctuations were her secret pregnancies. In the post I stated my desire to destroy the fruit she has born and then I think it was the very next day that I saw an article about Rocio Cortez Nunez being cut in half in Spain. Her appearance reminded me very much of Helene, and her age was such that Helene could have borne her immediately after I went to go live with Joe. Then some months later I saw another news story about a "war" in a slum in Rio de Janeiro: Rocinha. Rocinha means, roughly, "little Rocio." Because the Spaniards around her have pleased me with their wisdom, her child does not offend me... unless it is also the fruit of Satan's rebellion in which case there will be no hope.

About a year after I went to live with Joe we moved to Warner Robins and I saw today in this article that Robbins is the name of one of the masonic lodges in the UK parliament. (We have Robins and Dobbins AFBs in Georgia.) Also, Warner Robins is between Perry and Macon, and that always reminded me of that old show Perry Mason. In a recent Georgia election, likely for a seat in the US House or Senate, I was unsurprised to learn that both the Republican and Democratic candidates were from Perry. Former Georgia governor Sonny Perdue was also from that area, I think I went to high school with his son Dan. Another girl in my smallish graduating class, Jennifer, had a grandfather that been a US Senator. All that down there in rinky dink Middle Georgia.

When I read the memo, it was completely obvious to me that the main derogatory item was the the failure of the FBI to provide the FISC with the exculpatory evidence in their possession as is required by the FISA. This is plain malfeasance. When they affirmatively do present unverified information there is some wiggle room for them to say, "Oh oops. We thought at the time..." This is what is getting all the attention but the attention should be on the evidence that they did not provide to the FISC in direct violation of the law enacted with the passage of the FISA. Withholding the exculpatory evidence is pure malfeasance. There is no wiggle room and there is little to no attention directed toward that aspect of the memo.

The FISA requires by law that the FBI provide the court with exculpatory evidence when it is in their possession and they did not do so. It is inexcusable. Is it not patently criminal to go to the FISC in non-compliance with the FISA? FISA is a law, is it illegal to violate that law? Is it a criminal act to act with malfeasance in the FISC proceedings? Can you prosecute that under the treason statute? Surely the malfeasance is criminal under some statute if not directly under the FISA which probably contains no clause pertaining to penalties for non-compliance on the federal end. If the law says "Provide the exculpatory evidence" then how could not be a crime to withhold the exculpatory evidence? Certainly I see how, the government has no intention to ever let itself be held liable for its own crimes. However, if all that comes of the memo is name calling and finger pointing for bad behavior then we should at least do it for the worst behavior and I'm not seeing that at all. I'm seeing a complete "get out jail free" regarding the worst part of the memey memo.

Add one little girl working at the library's front desk to the list of suspicious persons. 20180204

John Marshall's signature looks almost exactly like the mark I make when I refuse to sign documents, checks, etc...

Also, "John Marshal"

Nunes and Rumpff came to me in my dream theater this morning. Nunes was saying, "Yeah your security clearance... it's just not going through." Did Nunes forget that after USA Corp brutally raped me in the ass every day of 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 I then decided to leave the country in January 2017? Does Nunes think the amplified ass rape I experienced in 2017 at the hands of the United States of America Corporation's American government and non-governmental agencies somehow convinced me to stay? If so, he is wrong.

What the fuck do I need a security clearance for? Clearances are for employees, I am the owner. I don't want to work for the fucking government; I want to abolish it. Why do I need a security clearance for them to say, "All of this new stuff is derived from the hard work of one highly motivated genius who is also an American citizen: Jonathan W. Tooker?" I worked for the government for a few years after 1999, but they fired me and I never asked for another job from them, and I don't want one. People with jobs have bosses and I'm not doing that again.

I was telling Nunes about my person and my persona (written in all caps) and I told him they stole it from me. He said, "Oh man that would be fucked up." He reminded me of Corey when he said it, his eyes remind me of Corey but Corey's eyes always reminded me of the other guy's eyes anyway. When he said it was fucked up it was like he was telling me that what he did was fucked up.

The three-quarter looks a lot better on that side of zero. Inflation not quite "solid."

An eye for an eye paraphrases the biblical directive for justice between two parties who are not God, and indeed it could make the whole world blind if the population is exceedingly unwise. However, when one of the parties is God, the paraphrasing should be, "An eye for the branch of the tree of life that supports your place in the universe."

I read the memo. Page's 2016 trip to Moscow reminds me of my own 2009 "trip to Moscow" which was hardly that since it was only a twelve hour layover in the international area at the airport.

I wonder what percentage of the names in the memo refer to fictional personae created by USA Corp for the purposes of playing musical chairs in the blame game with more chairs than players.

It's very Babylonian today.

I wonder how often someone, a well respected person, gets appointed to a position in the US bureaucracy and is then killed and replaced with a disguised Scientologist who is too much of a coward to ever disrupt the status quo and probably has no desire to do so in the first place. Then when the wife says, "You seem different lately," he says, "It's just the stress honey."

Between all the symplectic points and me standing here at the apex point, the crux of the matter is that no one has asked me what the truth is. The same idiots that have misjudged the meaning of my actions and unrelated statements all along surely continue to do so. (This is likely due in part to deliberate misinterpretation that would be impossible in direct communication, and likely due in part to what is called edge sorting where the context of that which is interpreted is hidden from the interpreters.) The fact is that I do want to tell the truth to those who are looking for it but the person who is lying about it tells those people, "No you can't ask him about it, he is too big."

Why do those seeking the truth listen to the little guy who says not to ask me about the truth when I am bigger than him and I say that I do want you to ask me. I have invited you to email me and yet no one does, my inbox is empty. On that glorious and dreadful day when I say, "Why did you listen to him but not me when you know his opinions, desires, and intentions are dogshit compared to my opinions, desires, and intentions?" If you are charged by USA Corp to investigate the truth then I think you should send me an email to request an interview. I desire that you do that, the point of this website is mainly to document the truth. I intend to severely reprimand and mortally reprimand those who obeyed the little guy saying to stay away from me, Mr. Big Guy himself. The reason that the little guys don't want the truthseekers to ever ask me about the truth is because they know I will immediately expose their brazen rebellion against me.

So in closing, the same idiots that have misjudged the meaning of my actions and unrelated statements all along surely continue to do so.
